Intentional Pebbles

Part 2: Repeatable effort renders results


Last week, you selected intentional rocks for your jar and concentrated on one significant rock - your relationship - and then got clear on where it could grow in 90 days.

Getting to that different state in the future may be a big leap.

Rather than trying to jump there right away, try breaking that jump into smaller repeatable steps.


A vision is essential to know where you’re going and why. But a vision without further action is just a hope that isn’t your reality.

It’s time to add pebbles to your jar. Pebbles signify the smaller, yet significant, efforts that move you closer to achieving your relationship vision.


It's essential to focus on the actions that are within your control. While it's natural to desire change and growth in your partner, fixating solely on what they need to do can often lead to frustration and disappointment.

👉️ Focus instead on what you can do to impact your relationship positively.

Individuals who demonstrate personal accountability foster trust, gain mutual respect, and tend to have healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

When you prioritize your own growth and development, it creates a positive ripple effect. These ripples:

  • empower yourself to be proactive

  • stay accountable for your part in your relationship

  • demonstrate self-awareness

  • keep track of your progress towards your vision


By specifically defining, consciously focusing on, and taking action within your control, you will make incremental steps that build support and strength in your relationship.

Ask yourself, what can I do to move closer to the desired outcome?

Example: If your 90-day state envisions you having deep conversations with your partner, your action could be asking your partner one thought-provoking question each week.


Choose one consistent action you can take each month that will support your relationship vision.


Pebbles take intention and perseverance. Set a reminder for yourself, drum up your courage, and repeat your steps to make your hope a reality.

Let’s grow together,

Michelle @ Partnership Pulse

P.S. You’ve set your vision, and you’re empowered with an action to take each month! Next week, we’ll complete this series with part 3, the final backward-planning step to obtaining your 90-day relationship growth.