Last Newsletter

3 Lessons Learned from 1yr of Partnership Pulse


This is the last email you’ll receive from Partnership Pulse. 🙂 🥹 🙌 
Thank YOU to all who have joined me on this adventure!

As a parting message,
here are 3 key lessons I’ve learned about relationships this last year+.


Side hustles are difficult.

They take the most precious thing you don’t own - TIME.
Your time spent in one place always steals from another spot.

& all the while, life goes on with (or without) you.

This is why Partnership Pulse started -
because I didn’t want my life (tied to another human) to pass by without knowing it.

it’s stretching your time and difficult times that bring
valuable lessons and understanding about yourself and the people around you.

Those difficult times are worth A LOT (and worth sharing.)


Here are 3 relationship lessons I learned from starting Partnership Pulse:

  1. Strategy can truly (re)connect you with your partner.

    • If the goal is to spend more intentional time together, the strategy is to schedule time together in advance and create non-negotiable boundaries to protect that space.

    • 👉️ Yearly, quarterly, monthly (whatever works for you), choose the dates 📆 you want to date 💕 .

    • You’d never attend a meeting without an agenda, so bring an agenda to your date nights. Don’t forget my 1/3/1 agenda! You each bring:

      • 1 topic/theme

      • 3 questions about the topic

      • 1 activity to do together

      You’ll never glance at your phone again.

  2. Repair and recovery are the two most essential skills you can use in your relationship.

    • Communication is fundamental. Spontaneity is fun to have. But if you don’t repair a hurt, it will grow bigger. And if you don’t recover from that hurt, it will tear you apart.

    • Repair your relationship often by taking accountability for your actions and taking the steps to “fix” the harm. (That might be, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Or “I made a mistake and was only thinking of myself. Here’s what I’m going to do to change…”

    • Recover quickly by accepting your partner’s reparation and re-focusing not on your hurt but on the act of repair and your underlying “why” for being together.

    • Repair + Recovery = Exponential Relationship Growth.

  3. Showing up each day as a new day for learning is the best habit you can ever build.

    • You HAVE to show up. You can’t hide, retreat, or be apathetic in a partnership. Single-sided solutions aren’t possible for success.

    • If you look at each day as a new one - a fresh one - for joy, living, and understanding one another, you’ll figure it out. You’ll undoubtedly hit some road bumps that will need repair and recovery, but if you build the habit of always returning to each other, you won’t fail.


Whether you want to try something new or re-try something old,
it’s the trying that counts.

Try again.
Try it in a new way.


Each of you subscribed to this newsletter because you are searching for something MORE from your relationship. Your MORE might be deeper and more meaningful conversations, greater understanding and empathy, shared accomplishments that bring you closer, or simply more moments filled with laughter and joy.

Whatever form your MORE takes, remember you can read all the articles you wantbut that won’t change your relationship.

To win in your partnership, you need to apply the habits to yourself
and then actively pursue them with your partner.

You can do this in two ways:

  • Change your mind, change your habits.

  • Change your habits, change your mind.

& see the trickle effects on your partner.


Partnership Pulse challenged my relationship, expanded my skills, and developed fantastic content for my speaking events this year.

Was this newsletter “Wall Street Journal” successful? ➡️ Not even close.
Did it help some of you be a little braver? ➡️ Absolutely—you told me!
Was it personally worth it? ➡️ Every bit.

🌱 Thrive together,


P.S. I never sit still. I’m working on my next challenge and you can find out by following me on LinkedIn. 👋 Say Hi!