Intentional 1 Page Goal Setting

Me & my partner's simple goal setting strategy


You don’t always need a five-day retreat with a facilitator to enlighten you about goal setting. Sometimes, you need intentional thought and a piece of paper you would otherwise recycle.

In this newsletter, I share my and my partner’s simple goal-setting practice we do each year.

It’s simple, easy, and attainable.

(No really.)

But first, a quick nod to 1440 Media. I stopped listening to the news in 2020 because things were bad and biased.

But 1440 is changing that.👇️ Click the link to check them out.

News for humans, by humans.

  • Today's news.

  • Edited to be unbiased as humanly possible.

  • Every morning, we triple-check headlines, stories, and sources for bias.

  • All by hand with no algorithms.

Back to your regular programming. 😉 


Without written benchmarks for what you want to achieve, you and your partner may fail to:

  • obtain your goals

  • remember your dreams

  • celebrate your accomplishments

You lose sight of your relationship, get caught in the grind, and stay status quo.


Studies have shown that writing down your goal increases your chances of obtaining it by 33-42%.

When you write down the goal, have accountability (like a partner), and break it into actionable pieces (SMART goal), the likelihood of achievement increases.

Tip 👉️ : Even though listing SMART goals will help you attack a BIG goal, my relationship goals list either a bite-size goal, the end dream, or an experience we want to have.

What happens when you achieve your goal?

  • Meeting goals at work usually translates to money or a promotion.

  • Meeting goals at home translates into joy, fulfillment, and deeper connection. AKA: happiness.


Do some simple goal-setting with your partner. This can be completed in a day or less. And it’s not a stone tablet; you can add or adjust it as needed.

All you need is a piece of paper, a pen, and some intentional time.


This is the exact process I follow each NYE to write out my and my partner's goals. You can do this for your relationship at any time of year.

  1. Choose a piece of paper that has a little meaning to it.

    • a love note

    • a random picture you like

    • a child’s fingerpaint drawing

  2. Write a title for your goals on the side with the most white space.

    • I write: “Allen Family Goals [year]”

  3. Divide the goal sheet into these categories.

    • Q1 - Jan, Feb, Mar

    • Q2 - Apr, May, June

    • Q3 - July, Aug, Sept

    • Q4 - Oct, Nov, Dec

    • Personal Goals

    • Future Goals

    • Trips [or another specific category you want to keep in mind]

  4. Write out the specific goals (aka: things/events) you want to do in the category (and/or timeframe).

    Answer questions like:

    • What activity would bring me joy?

    • What events align with our values?

    • How can we increase the time we spend together?

  5. Hang your goal sheet where each of you can see it.

  6. Review it each quarter…TOGETHER.

    • Check off the things you accomplish ✅ 

    • Modify the items that could still be obtained this year ✏️ 

    • Carry over the goals that can be accomplished in the future ➡️ 


You can’t always document the hugs and kindnesses you give your partner, but you can write out your hopes, goals, and dreams.

This written goal sheet is an artifact - a tangible reminder - of your alignment with your partner. Write it - Review it - Achieve it.

My 2024 Allen Family Goal Sheet

Thrive together,


P.S. You can use this process with your kids! We do this process annually by ourselves and then share the goal sheet with our 5-year-old. She adds goals to the list throughout the year because she has recognized that writing them down increases means they’ll happen.

P.P.S. In the mid-month pulse check, I ask you and your partner insightful questions to enhance alignment and help you plan your goals for the next five months.

Just for you, if you upgrade to the Growth Plan you’ll receive 10% off!
Be sure to upgrade before August 17 to receive it.